100th Post. The Last though.

June 3, 2009 at 9:54 pm (Uncategorized)

Hey guys. If you are still active in this army go to our new site which is consecutivearmedmarineops.wordpress.com

I sort of miss MM. But CAMO is our new army and we pwn! We have a lot of active troops and we hope we can be the next ACP. Well see you guys.

~ Boosta 2


Ninja Shodow,me is offcially retiring not all armies,but most.Here is the history of me:

I once went on Club Penguin,Snow Fort,and found a big group of Green Penguins V.S.ing the A Red Group of Penguins.It was the ACP V.S UMA.During,I helped ACP because Green was my favourite colour.After they had a little small Recuiting Session and said “Search ACP Army Of Club Penguin!!”. I searched and found out they were a ACP site.When,I joined(February 26th)I found out the leader was Boomer20.I followed ACP and fought for them.But soon,I joined many armies such as the IMAF,DW,NMA,and much more.Soon after,I was in DW,IMAF a good army and DW a good army fight together,but I like both armies.So now I decided to…retire most armies.

Here are some people I like to thank.

Dark Warriors-

Sky Storm2-I knew you were a great friend,so long.

Feephill-You were a good frien and you live as the same city as me!

Miq-Hope your happy in DW.


Xrayx-My BFF,you were a one my the greatest friends.

Smit11-Where ever you are I hope your happy.

NOTE:Sorry If I forgot you.

So long IMAF and DW.

~Ninja Shodow DW and IMAF Is The Best~

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