Poll(Poll On CAMO Site Soon)

May 11, 2009 at 9:54 pm (Uncategorized)

Vote Once!It’s The 98 Post!O_O

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May 8, 2009 at 2:09 am (Uncategorized)

Hey Smit and other people but I just wanted to say I made a new site for Camo since I needed to edit some things on the site. Sorry Smit but can you please delete the old site? I will make you an author next time I see you. Here is our new site http://consecutivearmedmarineops.wordpress.com/Please check it out! We only have MM troops but by May 31st we will have alot of troops! Congrats All!

~ вσσѕтα 2

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Moving sites

May 8, 2009 at 12:20 am (Uncategorized)

MM is merging with alot of armies the Shadow troops the PPW and maybe the CPEQ so we are going to be called the CAMO now boost knows what it means we will be switiching sites now please be sure to check http://camotroops.wordpress.com/ now because we will no longer be posting here the day of the merge is 31st of May get ready guys can come to the new site once again http://camotroops.wordpress.com/ 🙂


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Boost is lying ALOT

May 7, 2009 at 11:30 am (Uncategorized)

Ok I dont post much but boost is getting on my nerves and he did not talk to me about who will be in charge or when the merge date will be so i am getting very ticked off now so boost if you’re reading this I want to talk for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody is happy about this and i can lose 5 troops for 1 find me on chat someday to discuss it to me for REAL

For MM: Its not staying this way dont worry I will fix it just dont believe anything boost says right now


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May 6, 2009 at 11:38 pm (Uncategorized)

Also I am sorry for being mean on chat I hope we can just be nice and be friends again. once again I am sorry for being mean please forgive me.

~ вσσѕтα 2

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My Last Post (until CAMO)

May 6, 2009 at 11:28 pm (Uncategorized)

Ok guys this is what me and Smit said and it will STAY this way ok? Xray SS and Ninja have been against the Merge. Well tough you can quit MM. Well Smit and I have discusesed it and its staying. In a year or so maybe a couple of months PPW, MM and my new army SM will merge into a army called CAMO (Consecutive Armed Marine Ops) The leaders are going to be Smit and I and Sky1700 will be 2ic or 3ic or 4ic somewhere in command. There is going to be 2ics (Sky1700 and SS if he stops complaning.) 2 2ics (Xray and Metrostar1 if Xray stops complaning.) and last 1 3ic Ninja Shodow and 4ic is probaly going to be a PPW troop(s). Smit and I talked over it if you hate it then you can quit MM. CAMO will have alot of troops since PPW already has like 60 and MM has 30 and SM is going to get a couple of troops soon. We will have alot of troops. Smit I  planned the date CAMO will form it will happen on: 

January 13th 2010.


Ok Smit since all 3 armies will have alot of troops by then. CAMO forever!


~ вσσѕтα 2

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Boosta 2 Quitting (Real)

May 5, 2009 at 9:03 pm (Uncategorized)

Ok guys I am quitting MM and it is up to Smit for who is taking my place. There is a reason for why I am quitting because Chat and this army is too much Drama. I hate drama and in fact It is the worst thing in my life. Well I have no speech since when I read the ACP retirement speechs there kinda hurtful.  Well here are my final goodbyes:

Smit11: You were always there for me. Still you will be there for me and your someone who I will never forget.

Ninja Shodow: I never knew you well but you were nice and you always kept this army straight.

Xrayx: Usual put me in a happy mood. Nice knowing you great friend.

Sky Storm2: You really revealed the silly side of me. I will see you on CP and maybe in the future.

Iceslide456: I know you quit and your probaly never going to see this but your a great friend.

Others: It will take alot of names to say all of you but thanks for makign my short time in MM my best. 🙂

Good-Bye all.

~ вσσѕтα 2

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Sky1700 Back!

May 5, 2009 at 2:23 pm (Uncategorized)

Welcome Back Sky1700! Sky1700 has re-joined MM! Welcome back sky and thanks for coming back.

~ вσσѕтα 2

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Losing Troops Like Letting Go Of A Balloon

May 4, 2009 at 1:37 pm (Uncategorized)

Well the title makes sence. Were losing troops like letting go of a balloon. If you don’t know what letting go of a balloon means its like when your a little kid (Like 3 or 2) you probaly all have let go of a balloon and watch it float away and most of you would be sad as a kid. Well were losing troops. We only have 31 troops (We used to have 34 or 35) so really were now smaller than alot of armies since most armies stop getting active (so have we) at 35 troops and people start retiring. Well we need some troops so we can move on and I know we have alot of troops for 34 or 30 something days but we need to get more troops. So from now on please try to get friends anyone to join MM so we can make a comeback. 


~ вσσѕтα 2

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Another War With Rsnails

May 4, 2009 at 12:54 am (Uncategorized)

Yup,were having another war with Rsnails.I finally found their chat and they said they’re taking Snowfall back.Well,heres the info:

Date: May 10th,2009.

Time: 1 PST,1 Pacific,4 East,3 Central,2 Mountain(Im not sure if these are all right.)

Why: They want Snowfall back.

Server: Snowfall,duh.

Room: I think its Snow Forts,they kinda messed up with the place.

Well comment if you can make it and link to their site is http://rsnailarmy.webs.com/ .


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